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To Love

My recent mantra. My deep breath prayer. Keep going friends. There is no perfection, just waking up and facing the mountain. Even when you think you can't, you can. You don't have to be the change, you don't have to be the best, you don't have to have a cause, march for peace, give blood, or save the world. You don't have to be anything but exactly what you are right now.

“Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired." ~ St. Mother Theresa


  1. Krissy, I read your August article on MOPs and so appreciated the first paragraphs... I have only one child - she leaves home for university in 9 months and there's a part of me that's terrified; what will I do without my sweet daughter and very good friend? Your article reminded me that I've set aside many interests and passions to invest myself fully in being there for my daughter - although I will miss her a lot and go through a time of loss when she leaves, I'm going to hold on to your reminder that I am more than a mom, and that the loss will come with new opportunities to dust off old passions. Thank you.

    1. Renee, thank you so much for reading, and for your comments. I can only imagine what it is like to be in your shoes. It sounds like you are an incredible mom and have a wonderful daughter. Your friendship and positive relationship will not be lost just because she is in a different place. I am certain as she grows and learns new things and spreads her wings in this world so will you! And your relationship will find new depths and grow stronger because of it. I hope you have fun exploring your own old passions and diving into new interests as you embark on this new journey! I went off to college 20 years ago, my mom being my best friend, and she still is. Your ability to look for good the things in the hard things is a beautiful way to live! Keep going :)


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